Thankfully, I have a long upstairs hallway that was a blank slate.

With three kids, all in sports since the age of three, I had a lot to work with. It gave me an opportunity to use many bright colors. Even pink matted pictures for my girls' teams worked in well.

Looking back the other direction, you see I have another blank slate as we continue to accumulate. I'll just have to figure out how to work around the thermostat. Note to self, if rebuilding, locate those pesky little things away from prime wall space.

The only problem is it's hard to keep them completely straight. I haven't gone through with wall putty yet to keep them from moving. Also, avoid the $3 Wal-mart frames if you can. Since I was buying them all at once, it was the least expensive way to dive into this project. However, they don't hang well. Tiny little nails are required and they tend to pop off the wall, especially when the tween stomps off and slams her door - - (as much as I hate to admit that happens; it does.) But, I can't recommend enough worldviewpic.com for the mats. The are superb quality, reasonably priced, and customer service was outstanding. They even let me pick the quantity in each color (so I wouldn't be heavy on pink). You can find them online here

Since we took these pictures out of boxes and hung them on the wall, the kids have enjoyed looking back over their athletic "careers." I find them in the hall gazing at them or showing their friends as they walk by. That is why we hang pictures, use china everyday, break out the clothes and jewelry we're saving for a special occasion, and just generally treat every day as though it is worthy of our best adornments. No point in keeping memories in boxes, especially if you have a place to display them and doing so makes people smile.
Linking to Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home
What a great idea. Love that the wall remains white yet you have so much color.