Family room mantle. Wish I'd taken it at a different angle so you could see the live Frazier Fir decorated in the corner to the left of the fireplace. There's always next year. And just think, for me that means it will look a lot like this again in about 10 months.

Christmas morning. . . Wait! Wait! We want to take a picture.

Guess that's not going to happen.

An otherwise orderly Christmas morning would reveal there are three children in those pictures.

The moulding above my kitchen windows is shelf-like enough that I'm able to arrange these glass ornaments on it. I tried to keep it simple in the kitchen so as not to compete with all the activity that occurs there during the season. Should have moved the dried hydrangeas above the cabinets on the facing wall, but I put them there to get them out of the way when taking down my harvest decorations and they just sort of stuck.

Changed out my Blue Willow china for the Spode Christmas Tree Christmas china. Only Spode could replace Blue Willow and it's only temporary.

Dining room sideboard. Again an attempt at simple and minimalistic this year. I liked the look of the tarnished silver and just left it unpolished. The ornament topiaries were something I bought at Walmart several years ago. They were meant to be hung but I removed some of the original ornaments in colors I didn't like, replaced them with my own then hot glued the whole thing them to old thrifted candlesticks.

Dining room pics.

I also made the wreath on the mirror above the fireplace LAST year before all the wonderful blogging tips about how to do it using a wire coat hanger. I used a grapevine wreath and hot glued the balls to the wreath. Hot glue is so handy.

Hi Angela,
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for you comment on my tablescape post...truly appreciated it! I love the pics of your children racing down the steps on Christmas morn...how cute is that! :-) I well remember those days! (LOL) Love your Christmas decor...the bike with the lights is awesome! And you know I love your red dining room and beautiful Spode Christmas china! :-)